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Flood clean up/ Decontamination

Restoring your home to pre-flood conditions

Flood damage needs to be treated promptly and professionally.

Odour from mould and mildew accumulation can have an unpleasant effect in your home as well as creating a health risk.

Where a flood includes sewage this presents potential health hazards along with significant property loss. A prompt response to cleanups is important to reduce costs.

Immediate Action can greatly minimise losses from negative health effects and property damages.

Contact Contaminated Site Solutions. We will use the latest technology to remove flood damage/flood clean up, including mould odour and microbial spores, as quickly as possible. So you can return your home to pre flood conditions.

A man is cleaning a flooded balcony after heavy rain. Requiring flood clean up help

CSS is getting it done, faster!

DIY Flood Clean up / Damage Decontamination – What You Need To Consider

  1. Urgent extraction and drying out is important to prevent mould.
  2. Use of pumping equipment and Airmovers recommended
  3. Check walls to determine moisture levels and verify which walls or part of walls are salvageable
  4. Carpets contaminated with grey water (water has passed over soil) or black water (water contaminated with sewage) must be disposed of
  5. Arrangement should be made to have flooded areas tested for e-coli if exposed to grey or black water (Read more about different types of contaminated water in our article – Click here)

Our action plan:

  • We assess the situation in full consultation with the client and insurance representative
  • Provide a photographic inventory of damaged property
  • Remove damaged items and assess for repair/restoration using the most up-to-date Technology
  • Clean-up the mess
  • Provide a full construction restoration service
  • Manage all necessary contractors
  • All while keeping the client and insurance assessor fully informed

Damage assessment

From comprehensive damage assessment to a thorough cleanup, our experts will accompany you through the restoration process and help you get back to normal ASAP.

Our Company works in the areas of commercial and residential decontamination: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With emergency response, prompt action, years of experience, state of the art Technology and a highly proficient staff, we are specialised to help recover and restore your property.

Remember, if you have any concerns or queries about getting started, just give us a call 09 8281731 or submit an enquiry via our contact page.

drying out a house after a flood, blowers in place to assist drying process
What are the potential health risks associated with flood damage?

Flood damage can lead to mould and mildew accumulations, causing unpleasant odours, further damage, and health risks. Floods that include sewage present additional health hazards along with significant property loss.

Why is prompt and professional flood clean up essential?

Immediate action after a flood is crucial to minimise losses from negative health effects and property damage. Professional flood decontamination services like CSS can swiftly remove flood damage, including resulting mould

Can I clean up after a flood myself?

While urgent extraction and drying are important steps you can start, handling contaminated water, assessing damage, and preventing mould growth requires professional expertise. CSS offers comprehensive flood recovery services, including damage assessment and cleanup, using the latest equipment and expert techniques. 

What should I do immediately after experiencing a flood in my home?

After ensuring personal safety, document the damage with photographs, remove excess water, turn off utilities, dispose of damaged items, prevent mould growth, and seek professional assistance from CSS for expert flood recovery and decontamination.

What steps should I take to prevent mould growth after a flood?

Thorough drying of affected areas, using commercial-grade dehumidifiers and fans, and consulting with CSS for professional guidance are essential steps to prevent mould growth. Swift action is crucial as mould can grow within 24-48 hours after a flood.

Why choose CSS for flood recovery an decontamination services?

CSS offers expertise, prompt action, state-of-the-art technology, and highly proficient staff for efficient flood recovery and decontamination. We prioritise safety, minimise damage, and health risks to decontaminate your property effectively.